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Links and Resources

AR Bookfinder - Search for books with corresponding AR quizzes.

AR Home Connect Login - Use your student's user name and password to check your student's reading record and search for books that have AR quizzes. 

Box Tops Collection Sheet - Use this form to turn in box tops from some of your favorite food packages.  You may turn in the collection sheet to your child's teacher or the front office.

Library Welcome & Search Page

MySchoolBucks - Maryville City Schools online student cafeteria accounts and payment options.

Non-Prescription Medication Form - Form to be completed and submitted to the Clinic for all non-prescription medications.

Parent Handbook

Prescription Medication Form - Form to be completed and submitted to the Clinic for all prescription medications.

Registration - Information about registering your child to attend Sam Houston Elementary.

RUP Video - Video explaining the MCS iReach 1:1 program and the expected responsibilities of students.

School Calendar - Calendar of all school related events.

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School-Parent Compact

Student Insurance Plans