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When a student is injured or becomes ill at school, the clinic is available temporarily until the parent can be contacted. The clinic is staffed by Registered Nurses experienced in providing nursing care to elementary school aged children.

Medical information, including nonprescription medication authorization, is entered by the parent as part of online registration.  Please ensure this information is current so that we can provide the best care for your child in the event of illness or injury.


The state requires that schools have parent authorization to dispense both nonprescription and prescription medications. Prescription Authorization Forms can be obtained from the school and should be filled out by both the parent and the prescriber. [For your convenience, links to medication forms are available on the right of this page.]

 Medication must be administered by following these regulations:

  1. Prescription medication must be brought to school in the original, pharmacy labeled container.  The container shall display:
    • Student's name
    • Licensed prescriber's name
    • Prescription number
    • Pharmacy name, address, and phone number
    • Medication name and dosage
    • Date
    • Administration route or other directions
  2. All prescriptions for long-term medications shall be renewed at least annually.
  3. Changes in prescription medication shall have written authorization from the licensed prescriber.
  4. All non-prescription  drugs given in school shall be brought in with the manufacturer's original label with the ingredients listed and the child's name affixed to the container.
  5. The Prescription Medication Authorization Form must be filled out and kept on file.
Stephanie Cousins

Stephanie Cousins

Titles: School Nurse
